Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Gift

Its not so much the things we don't know, as it is the things that we know that turn out to be wrong.

Let's face it: sex is the greatest motivator we know. Over 200 years of sexual illusions and images have been used to manipulate almost everything we do. However you could not talk about it. Men were supposed to have the knowledge, I guess genetically, and women were NOT.
Don't worry, this post is not about everything sexual, or gender binary, or all kinds of such “vulgar” things. Instead I'd like to discuss giving. That should not offend, should it? In our culture giving is rightfully emphasized as a reward in itself. It is a joy. It makes us feel good. Being generous is extolled. Philanthropy is held in high regard.
When I say I have a need to give the gift of being subservient to another, it is ridiculed. Why? Wishing to serve country is a good thing but wishing to be of service to a cherished one, is thought of as being “sick”. To want to be a servant is a terrible wrong. We all must be equal, we fight for that. We die for that and our struggle continues. Was I dropped on my head as a child?
The connotations of words used are confusing. Let me explain my take on it. For me, because my Master Indy performs a different job than I, does not mean either of us feel I am worthless or inferior in value. Just as in the military, a “Superior” Officer indicates only who makes the decisions. This leaves the rest to follow those directives. Being a slave is not something that Master Indy did to me, or I to him. Rather it was something within me that I can now embrace and become realized.
Don't let another person's definitions keep you from embracing your true self. Follow your calling, your unique purpose. If your heart cries out to nourish and comfort, do it! This is noble and valuable. It takes a special kind of strength. Don't waste your life by denying yourself and others. Be a proud servant and a prize! Be the gift!

My Master Indy's

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