Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Quinoa Meatloaf!

Queerly Wonderful Quinoa Meatloaf

Slave thought you might like a break from all the cooked tomatoes so lets go for a not-so traditional meatloaf!

¾ lbs of lean ground chuck
½ lbs turkey sausage
¼ cup chopped onion
¼ cup minced celery
¼ cup of egg substitute (like egg beaters) or one egg
½ cup un-cooked quinoa
1 cup low salt beef broth
5 oz container of non-fat plain Greek style yogurt
1 tbs Worcestershire sauce (low sodium)
½ cup finely grated Parmesan cheese
If you happen to have any carrot left over, try grating in approx ¼ cup.

Mix beef broth with quinoa and bring to a boil for 5 minutes: cover and let sit off of heat for 15 minutes. You want all of the fluid to be absorbed.
Fluff with fork. You want this to cool before adding to the meat. Cooked it will be more like a full cup. Slave dumps this onto a paper plate to aid in cooling.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Line a 9 x 9 baking pan with foil and spray it. With a short wooden spoon, mix all the ingredients (except the ketchup) just until blended. Do NOT over mix!


Slave always mixes the sauce into the yogurt cup so that it is easier to add. Also since the turkey sausage can come out like a kind of mush, dump that into the large bowl first, add onion & celery and mix that well with the spoon, it can take mixing much better than after you add the ground beef.

Shape into a log and place it diagonally in the pan. This leaves room for grease to come out and not be trapped in the loaf!


Always finish the loaf with ketchup and/or mustard drizzled on the top and smeared around with your hand so that it will make a crust as it bakes.

Bake for 50 minutes or until meat has reached 160 degrees on a meat thermometer. Remove from oven and cover with foil.

Let the meat rest for 4 – 7 minutes, it will continue to cook! This step also helps ensure that it will hold together as a loaf.

Slave makes a gravy with the other cup of beef broth (the can holds about 2 cups) Home mashes three red potatoes and serves with a microwaved green vegetable. Amazingly great taste without most of the calories found in traditional meatloaf.

Hope you enjoy. Now while that is cooking check this out:

This slave predicts that the Next Food Trend will be TEFF!

Food Trends: You will be hearing a lot about this ancient grain from Ethiopia. It's the next “super grain” - after quinoa.
This is showing up now in health-food shops & specialty markets, but will soon be everywhere.
Teff is very high in calcium, thiamin, protein, and is gluten-free. It can be used in most baking for all or part of the wheat flour. Teff will not work well on its own in baking that depends on gluten for its structure (such as yeast-risen bread).
A cup of cooked teff offers 387mg of calcium, about the same as in a half-cup of cooked spinach: that's 40% of the U.S. recommended daily allowance. It’s also an excellent source of vitamin C, not commonly found in grains.

Since teff is too small to process, it is always eaten in its whole form.
This grain is high in “resistant starch”, a newly-discovered type of dietary fiber that can benefit blood-sugar management, weight control, and colon health. It’s estimated that 20-40% of the carbohydrates in teff are resistant starches. It is a very suitable grain for celiacs or people with wheat sensitivities. Many of Ethiopia’s famed long-distance runners attribute their energy and health to teff.


Cooking Teff

White teff has a chestnut-like flavor while darker varieties are more earthy in flavor with a slight hazelnut taste.
The properties are different than wheat flour (no gluten) so start off by substituting about 25% of the wheat flour in a recipe with teff flour.
It can also be used as a thickener in soups, gravies and stews.

For A Breakfast Ceral: Place ½ cup teff grains, 2 cups water, and ¼ teaspoon of salt in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for about 15-20 minutes or until water is absorbed. Remove it from the heat and let it stand for about five minutes. Season with butter, salt and herbs or a sweetener such as maple syrup.

For a Topping: Boil 1 cup of teff in 1 cup of water for 6-7 minutes, then let it stand covered for five minutes. This will give you a grain that's like poppy seeds: great for sprinkling on vegetables as a topping, or for adding to soups. Because of its small size, use a smaller amount of teff when substituting. For example, use ½ cup of teff grain for 1 cup of sesame seeds.

For an Ingredient: Boil 1 cup of teff in 3 cups of water for about 20 minutes for a creamier end product.

Today, you can find teff in pancakes, snacks, breads, cereals and many other products, especially those created for the gluten-free market. You can even buy teff wraps!

Interesting things about Teff

  • Teff requires only 36 hours to sprout, the shortest time of any grain. Just 1lbs of seed can grow an acre of teff, about 1 ton of grain, in as little as 12 weeks. (100 pounds or more of wheat grains are needed to grow an acre).
  • It is one of the smallest grains in the world.
  • Teff’s protein content (around 14%) is largely an easily digested albumin (think a vegetable version of egg whites).
The name, “teff” is derived from the *Amharic “teffa” which translates as “lost”. Due to its tiny size, teff can easily be lost if dropped!
language spoken in Ethiopia
To Sum Up
A handful of teff is enough to sow a typical field, and it cooks quickly, using less fuel than other foods. It thrives in both waterlogged area as well as during prolonged droughts, and they are also relatively free of many diseases that plague other crops. Teff can grow from sea level to as high as 9,000 feet.
slave just can not believe it is by chance that such a “wonder crop” is found among the poorest people on earth.


Happy to serve my Master Indy


To satisfy and restore.
To nourish, support and maintain.
To gratify, spoil, comfort and please,
to nurture, assist, and sustain
..I cook!

Please buy slave's cookbook:

The Little Black Book of Indiscreet Recipes by Dan White http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00F315Y4I/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_vAT4sb0934RTM via @amazon

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