Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Just Because

This wonderful meal is celebration with out a special cause. It can be a reward for just being yourself. Or as an honor to that someone that brings you joy.

A juicy steak that cuts like butter, topped with a mushroom sauce, creamy real mashed potatoes and fresh broccoli 

1 lbs chuck steak
4oz sliced mushrooms
½ cup chopped red onion
½ cup non fat half & half
2 tbs cake flour
2 tbs whiskey
kosher salt & pepper to taste

¼ cup kosher salt


To make sure your steak is tasty, coat it with kosher salt for at least an hour.

When ready to cook, rinse and pat dry with paper towels.
Pre heat the oven to 225 degrees. (this is low and slow)
Line a pan with foil and spray a rack to set inside.

Make a couple of small slits on the sides of the steak where the white line of fat is. This will keep the steak from “cupping”.

Place in oven for about 25 minutes or until a thermometer reads 110 degrees.

Heat 2 tbs of olive oil and 1 tbs of butter in a large skillet over medium heat. When hot, sear the meat for 2 minutes or until a nice golden. This will go enterprisingly quick since the outside layer has dried in the oven. Test for temps of about 135 to 140 for medium. Go no further if you want a juicy steak. Remove the meat and tent with foil to rest.

Into the grease add the onions and mushrooms. Stir and cook for 8 minutes adding the tbs of flour stir well for the last minute of cooking.

Spoon in the bourbon and add the cup of non fat half and half. Cook and stir until nice and thick, about 6 to 7 minutes.

Serve over the steak.

Some avoid making mashed potatoes because of the peeling and cutting involved. So here we use a pre-diced potato, frozen to make hash browns. Just dump them into boiling water for 15 minutes, test to make sure they are soft, drain and mash with some butter and milk: heaven! 

Cook broccoli in the microwave by placing it in a bowl and adding about 2 to 3 tablespoons of water. Microwave on high for about two minutes, then check for tenderness.
Then when finished, sprinkle with salt and add a tbs of butter.

What a special feast!

Happiness is an essential part of life. The pursuit of happiness is enshrined in the foundation of our country. 
You deserve to be happy. At times we might lose track of that. Some days we need to sit and refocus on that truth. 
Spend time doing things that make us happy.
Try, in our words and deeds, to bring happiness to those around us. Even little unexpected things can brighten a persons day.

The doctors oath states : “First do no harm”. Let us try: “First, do something good!”

You will find that a head rests easy at night when it has brightened the day for others.

Serving my SPECIAL Master Indy


To satisfy and restore.
To nourish, support and maintain.
To gratify, spoil, comfort and please,
to nurture, assist, and sustain
..I cook!

Please buy slave's cookbook:

The Little Black Book of Indiscreet Recipes 


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