Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Coming to Terms

Terms: we read them, we use them, some unhappy people have to serve them. They can be single words, phrases, whole contracts, or even how we define a word.

It will soon be Valentine's Day, just in case you haven't noticed all of the red hearts and the word “LOVE” everywhere you look. Don't let it be a day of hurts. 
              “Love is the Hearts sense of touch”

No one can achieve or maintain that Madison Ave. image we see plastered everywhere. Focus on who has touched your heart instead.
Like every snowflake, we are each different. When two people agree and share the same feeling of the word love, a fantastic and rare bond exists.

When the two feelings are different, well that could be a tragedy. Unless the two come to “terms”. Just as no two people are the same, no two “relationships” will be the same. The secret is the agreement or understanding they have with each other.

Appreciate what you have. We cannot let the definitions of others limit what or how we feel. If we can lay claim to nothing else in life, we can own our feelings. Seek out your own agreements and terms. Let that be what you celebrate on February 14th.

Recently I read a blog where the question was ask: what if all you loved were taken away from you, everything and everyone you hold dear? Then by a miracle, after what seems like an eternity, it was all returned. Your loved one's are back. They're within your reach. You can again see their smile. Would you be so quick to say: “Please, I'm trying to watch this show.” Or “Can't you see I'm busy?” Would your outlook be changed?

It is said that if we change the way we think, we change the way we feel. Not long ago, my doctor told me that I had to realize that I was growing older. Got to change the way I feel about it so my thinking must change. Why didn't he tell me to change the weather? That might be easier to do. LOL, maybe just wait for the weather to change itself?

The point slave is making is that to survive, to be happy, to “live”, is to come to terms with that life. Cherish who is important to you.

My Master's,

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