Sunday, August 24, 2014

Piggy got the cream!

Svinekoteletter Med Sur Fløde
Say: (S-VIN co-letter  MET so feed) At least that is the best slave can do 
from the computer generated translator voice! 
It will probably evoke a great laugh! Please take it as the 
compliment it is intended to be!~  

 This is based on the popular Danish meal, Schweizersteg Med Surfløde, which is what we would call a “swiss steak” made with sour cream. It is traditionally simmered for hours. slave chose to use pork and thought it would be great in a crock pot! What really marks this dish is the use of sour cream in the gravy. It makes such a creamy and tender dinner. Serve it with potatoes!

This meal is a special treat created by slave as a gift to my Master and His Forever Mate on the third anniversary of Master meeting slave. No words can express how wonderful slave feels on this day. slave invites you all to share in the joy and join in for this exceptional “middag” of honor!

2 lbs thin boneless pork chops
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper
½ tsp. of garlic powder
4 tbs all purpose flour
3 tbs oil
2 tbs chopped onion
1 can diced tomatoes, drained
1 can oz. Chicken broth
1 cup light sour cream
optional some roasted red pepper flakes to spice up the cooker!

1) Clean out your slow-cooker and spray with cooking spray, cover and warm on high.

2) Chop up a medium yellow onion. Set aside about ½ cup. Freeze the rest in a resealable plastic bag for use later.

3) Heat oil in skillet over medium high heat.

4) Lay out some wax paper on the counter. Then spread plastic wrap over that.
Mix salt, pepper, and garlic, with the flour in a small bowl.
Sprinkle some on the plastic: lay the meat on that and sprinkle the rest on top. Fold over the wrap and with a rolling pin, pound the flour into the chops. Flip, and do the same for other side.

5) When the oil is up to temperature, brown the meat on both sides. (Only about 2 to 3 minutes per side.)

6) Sprinkle some of the onion into the slow-cooker and lay the meat on top. Add the rest of onion, tomato, and the chicken broth.

7) Cover and turn the heat down to LOW for about 8 to 10 hours.

When time is almost done (within 15 minutes) Spoon in sour cream and raise the setting to HIGH!

Serve with potatoes, you have a great Danish inspired meal.

Slave offers this as a special gift to its Master. Only its Master can understand slave's feelings. He does not misinterpret as others might. He knows the bond. He owns slave.


To satisfy and restore.
To nourish, support and maintain.
To gratify, spoil, comfort and please,
to nurture, assist, and sustain
..I cook!

Please buy slave's cookbook:

The Little Black Book of Indiscreet Recipes by Dan White via @amazon

This is the 3rd anniversary of meeting my Master! I told Him 24 hours were not enough to even list all that He has taught me.
His orders were simple: then if slave wishes to honor Me, post just 24 things you have learned.

This is what was posted:

24 life lessons taught by Master Indiscreet Escort
These are only a few of the lessons learned during these nearly 1100 days since we met.

@IndiscreetEscor proved someone's enjoyment & pride felt much better than their sympathy, correcting my belief I had to hurt to be liked.

For 3 years, @IndiscreetEscor has believed in me and taught me that it was OK to believe in myself again!

@IndiscreetEscor: taught through concrete example, reliance in starting over fresh each new day keeps disappointment from making failure.

@IndiscreetEscor refuses to become what He is not. He is constant as the Northern star, providing me a permanence in this shifting world.

@IndiscreetEscor has taught me that I do not want or need what He will not give me. He is sufficient and his guidance is complete.

@IndiscreetEscor displays an almost infinite patience and constant encouragement for me to keep trying. He gives me a drive.

@IndiscreetEscor provides the GPS for my life, but I have to get there on my own. As long as I do not give up on myself, neither will he.

@IndiscreetEscor has shown me that I must first serve and take care of myself before I can have the ability to serve others.

@IndiscreetEscor has trained me to recognize negative self comments and to see how they adversely effect both myself and others.

@IndiscreetEscor showed me that my heart still has a sense of touch. I can't keep looking into the past, I'm not heading that way!

@IndiscreetEscor has proved to me that I am relevant, that I still have worth and still have much I can offer to others.

@IndiscreetEscor has tutored me how achieve goals: define them, then on a pre-set basis revisit and report progress made toward them.

@IndiscreetEscor: showed me being ashamed of my failures will keep me from achievements: 1 degree change, 1 percent improvement!

@IndiscreetEscor cultivated within me a way to let go of the past while paying it respect so that I can live & love now & see a future.
@IndiscreetEscor let me goof up, proving that doesn’t kill me. Endings are self-made. I can still look to life, can still go after a dream.

@IndiscreetEscor flooded my soul with euphoria by simply saying the words: “I OWN YOU”. That unexpected joy gladdens the rest of my life
@IndiscreetEscor taught me with the delight of being “owned” comes responsibilities & commitments, but it can NEVER be taken from me.

@IndiscreetEscor teaches some things should just be felt, not explained. Like why His “Sit down and Shut-up” brings such inner calming.

As my Master, @IndiscreetEscor has encouraged and guided me to get back to writing. He showed great pride in my selling my cookbook!
@IndiscreetEscor motivated me to establish a blog and build a “brand” that is now just starting to flourish and gives me a chance to serve
@IndiscreetEscor showed me how to focus and use guided imagery to center my mind. To learn from what is within.
@IndiscreetEscor has given me the gift of being unsatisfied, wanting to better the way things are. To get back out and try again.
@IndiscreetEscor: With leadership, moral support, & specialty knowledge, He colors, adds life to, and IS IN everything I see & experience.

3 years ago @IndiscreetEscor had the BALLS to demand: “How are you going to make my life easier?” Who knew my life would be so much richer?

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