Friday, May 22, 2020

Virtual Vacation Day Four

Is cabin fever setting in? Need to get out and enjoy the countryside. Get back to traveling? Well now you can. Join me this week on a virtual vacation.

Posting every night from Tuesday through Saturday. Enjoy

This is a lazy morning, a day for spa treatments, maybe some sight seeing, but very little driving.

Breakfast is ordered in to my room,
Rolled Omelet $16
With Egg, Ham, Bacon, Onion, Mushrooms, Spinach, and cheddar Cheese. The best coffee I have ever had!

Now to decide on my spa day.
Let's start with what is called a back facial. Deep cleaning and exfoliation. Then a mud therapy applied to the spine. Hot towels are wrapped on the hands and feet. Everything has a deep moisturizer messaged in. It was as heavenly as it sounded.
I finished the morning with a paraffin manicure and a hot stone pedicure.

After a light lunch an aromatherapy massage was booked.
In the afternoon, My well treated body just collapsed and the bed's soft arms called me for a nap.

What a happy day! Tonight I planed another excursion train trip. This time a dinner is to be served.
I head off to the French Lick scenic railway.

This train ride takes a 2 and a half hour trip though the rolling hills of the Hoosier National Forest. We traveled through a long tunnel, and across several iron bridges… all while enjoying a scrumptious meal.

The tables seat 4 so I had dinner with a middle aged couple from Chicago. It was a nice conversation. (art~ I know a little and golf ~ I know nothing).
Tonight I dined on almond baked chicken with green beans & roasted red potatoes.
Cheesecake and coffee rounded off the meal. After a pleasant evening we shared email addresses and promises to write.

It was dark when I made my way back to the hotel. I had a nice desk to write at and a TV to watch a movie and fall asleep.
I could get used to a life like this!

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